It was past midnight..
And there was something amiss,
They chained and took him away,
All it took, was a betrayal kiss.
In the garden of Gethsemane, it all began,
The Lamb stood ready, for the divine plan.
Little did the apostles know, when deep asleep,
That a traitor, was busy with the devil, as his keep..
All for 30 pieces of silver,
And the deal was sealed,
The sword was drawn out,
But the lamb, had the ear healed.
The man, who knew the price of everything,
But the value of nothing!
The traitor, the one meant to be,
We know him as Judas or someone like me?
History has been unkind to Judas as we know,
30 pieces of greed and nowhere to go,
A chosen apostle, now shattered in disbelief,
Hung himself, in great despair and grief..
A poor conscience, is what Judas portrayed,
The feeling of despair, left him shocked and dismayed.
The other Apostles too ran and hid,
But Judas bore the brunt, the title of "the wicked"
Why is Judas alone to blame?
When we too lead a life, of sin and shame,
Constantly nailing the Lamb, to the cross,
With no regret whatsoever and no remorse!
We are no better, than a betrayal kiss,
But forgiveness and repentance are the greatest gifts...